USA T-Mobile (1 GB to 3 GB data only)
sim kaart Turkije
Heel goede gebruikservaring
3gb euro sim with 20 euro credit
Call credit not applied to my sim
USA unlimited data Telekom
In the beginning everything ok.
We ordered a 30 days unlimited data card for the USA.
After 23 days it didn’t work anymore and no support from Prepaid zero anymore.
Data only. Europe wide
The card did not connect to the network in any country except Holland.
All of Europe prepaid 3GB data only
Simple to order, simple to activate, simple to use. Very happy with Prepaidzero.
Sims for Europe
Very easy and streamlined process from buying to using.
All of Europe Prepaid Data Sim Card
Very easy to order online. Was asked when I needed the sim card which I did and I received it on the day that was specified in Australia.
All of europe 12gb data only sim
Very good to deal with.
SIM with data and phone service.
Great product, I wish I would had known about Prepaidzero sooner.
Service works well in some countries (e.g. UAE, Hong Kong, parts of Europe) but doesn’t work at all in other countries (e.g. Colombia).
Italy + Europe Prepaid - 3 GB
Easy to buy and fast to deliver. Good to use on major cities like Rome, Madri and Paris. On Tuscany wasn’t that good; we have problems to connect and to navigate.
On the first use it took some time to start working (i guess the configuration process delayed) on my cellphone (Galaxy S5). To be honest, on my cellphone worked after configuring the SIMcard on my girlfriend cellphone, a Galaxy J5. But, after that no other problems.
All of Europe Prepaid sim card - 1 to 9 GB (Data+Optional Calls/Texts)
Prepaidzero’s delivery of my new sim to my Paris hotel was prompt. The service worked flawlessly across France, Switzerland and Greek Isles. Data performance was excellent too.
Mifi + 9Gb data for US
Used it with a mifi box in the USA from Las Vegas to Montrose and back trough the national parks. Works fine were there is a t-mobile signal, so near the larger villages and cities. Nature and scenic routes there’s no signal.
T-mobile 4G USA unlimited
Easy to order and delivery in time